Monday, February 21, 2011

que sera sera

Last thursday my boyfriend and i set out on a road trip to rapid city, sd. we were going to look at the hot rod institute for him to see if he might possibly want to go there. it was going to be a great time! and it started out that way, lots of fun and lots of highway, which we love :-) it was all great like that until about 4 hrs into the trip my car decided to lose oil pressure. We had to stop in a little town called ainsworth and fix my problem, which took 2 days. We ended up deciding not to keep on truckin and head back home instead. i felt horrible about it, but my boyfriend was awesome and said we'd just try to go again another time. I did manage to get some pictures of the lovely town that we were in though lol, here they are!

well, hope everybody has a super day!
peace & love- jordan :-)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

let's fly away

so this is just a few pictures of me from the other day before work. i think the mixture of boredom and a digital camera worked well together.

the last one was kind of a practice shot, but i liked it anyways. today we're having another snow day here in the midwest. it was horrible out last nite! definate blizzard conditions. i would more than love to go live somewhere south were that isn't the norm for winter. i guess we just have to roll with the punches though! well, i hope that everbody has a super day with whatever you're doing and whoever you're with! i'm off to go color my hair!

peace & love
 jordan :-)

Friday, January 28, 2011

come back kid

i've decided to make a comeback for my blog! it's going to be a slow go but it's going to happen thanks to the fact that we got a new computer! hopefully i'll get a couple followers in the weeks to come. it's going to happen people! so keep an eye out for some wonderful things hopefully soon :-)

peace & love
 jordan :-)