Thursday, January 26, 2012

Money, Money, Money...

I wish that everything didn't revolve around money. It's wonderful when you have it, it makes you appreaciate the little things when you don't. It's good and it's bad, but my family seems to take it a little too seriously. My dad's always had enough (ever since he was able to work) and I have not. My chosen profession...esthetician...he doesn't really think it's real. It doesn't make enough, it doesn't have enough benefits. Sure those things are important, but isn't the most important thing to be happy with the life that you've made for yourself and live for the ones you love and the things that make you the happiest? If you make a lot of money, but hate what you do, is it worth it? I just don't think so.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

All Aboard!

It was freezing last night. Not a shocking thing, since it is January in the Midwest. Still though, 18 degrees is too cold for me! I haven't been able to wear my cute fall/spring clothes anymore haha, I have to resort the boring old jeans so I don't freeze! Anywho... Erik and I went downtown last night to the Durham Museum. I'd never been there before, and never really heard anything about it, come to find out- it's the old train station! It was beautiful inside, art deco design. I loved it.
(no, i didn't take that picture, i googled it :-))
But the reason we went was to see, the exhibit called The Cut. It had a bunch of costumes they used in famous Pirates of the Caribbean! Unfortunatly, we couldn't take any pictures. But I did get some good ones just walking around in the museum!

We had a super fun time! (we always do!) I think it's important to enjoy life, even when you're just doing nothing. Happiness is key! Hope you all are happy and enjoying life as well!

-Jordan :-)

Monday, January 16, 2012

always an adventure

Yesterday was so much fun! Erik and I went to Lincoln to the telephone museum. You guys might know it from the movie Yes Man with Zooey Deschanel and Jim Carrey. It was a teeny little place and it's only open on Sundays. The man that was there was super nice and told us a little bit about the history. I for sure reccomend it if you ever find yourself in Lincoln, Nebraska on a boring Sunday! :-)

After the museum, we went to a little town to pick up some wheels for Erik's hot rod. We took some creeper pictures there...

haha it's always an adventure with us! Hope you all are enjoying your week just like I am!

-Jordan :-)

Thursday, January 12, 2012

just another thursday

I am so looking forward to the spring. Here in Nebraska we've been pretty lucky so far, no real winter weather to speak of- until now. It's cold, it's windy, it's wet. I have to say, as great as it is to just curl up inside with a good book and a cute puppy, I am soooo ready for nice weather!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Good Times Ahead

So, I never ever post on here. My new years resolution is to change that. Hopefully that will happen. (we'll see ;-)) Here's a couple pictures of me and my adorable puppy Vega to get things started in the new year!

Hope you all are having a great start to the new year! More to come soon :-)

-Jordan :-)